E-ORDA: a platform for the rapid automation of
government services and functions,
business processes of enterprises
Computer program "E-ORDA: a platform for the rapid automation of public services and functions,
business processes of enterprises"
For markets
The E-ORDA platform also contains patterns of binding processes, which are necessary to ensure the operation of application processes in the following modes:
- Monoprocesses: monosyllabic repetitive actions;
- Nested processes: chains of actions built from monoprocesses;
- Related processes: sequential chains of monoprocesses within algorithms;
- Individual horizontal processes: actions of individual employees;
- Cross-functional horizontal processes: border interactions of employees of "neighboring" departments;
- Horizontal processes: horizontal interaction.
Implementation objects
IT infrastructures
at the level of organizations
Civil society
executive authorities
executive authorities
Government services
Obtaining documents / certificates proving identity and status
Obtaining documents securing rights not related to entrepreneurial activity
Registration / change of status, place of residence, full name and other data of individuals
Stay abroad
Strategic, controlling and planning processes (collecting and analyzing information; developing an action plan; explaining, motivating and supporting employees; implementing an action plan)
All analytical information in the system is generated automatically based on the processing of primary accounting and other documents
Maximum elimination of corruption risks and provision of civil society with modern and remote communication channels
System lets to make detailed financial information about schools, kindergartens, etc. open and accessible for analysis
Processes associated with the production of goods, works and services that add value to the product, create a product, generate income
Business processes
Automation of the applied business logic of an enterprise (government agency) is carried out without the use of classical programming (coding) techniques